Thoughtfully Inspired Gemstone Jewelry


$ 37.00
 Take 15% off with code: June15
OR 25% a purchase over $75 with code: June25
Believe Charm

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. ~ Christian D. Larson

~ Green Garnet ~ Strawberry Quartz ~ Mystic Labradorite
Manifestation, Transformation, Prosperity, Abundance, Liberating, Magick In Life, Spiritual Growth, Gratitude, Self Empowerment, Calming, Amplifies Love, Attracts Soulmates, Joy, Optimism, Positive Energy, Living in the Present, Strengthens Willpower, Stimulates Imagination

The difference between magic and magick? Magic is about illusions. Magick is about spiritual intentions, transformation, and manifestation.  
Add an optional bronze Believe charm.

We've designed Magick for you with 10mm sized gemstones

Your handmade bracelet will arrive in a soft organic cotton pouch accompanied by a description card with affirmation and stone properties. A gift box option is available at checkout. 
Here's How to Determine Size:

Simply measure your wrist in the area you'd like your bracelet to sit. Skimming the skin. Not loose, not tight. Add 1/2" to 3/4" to that for your bracelet size. The larger the stone size, the larger you'd like the bracelet to lean towards.

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