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What Are The Best Crystals for a Healthy Pregnancy + Childbirth?

The best Crystals + Gemstones for a healthy pregnancy

Which gems, stones and crystals are said to best encourage a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery?

We've compiled a list of crystals for pregnancy that includes each gemstone's healing properties. Click any of the links below for specific information or scroll through our entire list of healthy pregnancy crystals and learn all about each of them.

Amethyst  |  AquamarineBlack Onyx  |  Chrysocolla  |   Garnet  | Lapis LazuliMalachite  |  Moonstone  |  Moss Agate  |  Orange Calcite  |  Peridot  |  Rose Quartz  |  Unakite  |  White Agate



Amethyst Crystals Negative Energy

Amethyst is a completely wonderful stone because of it's ability to offer protection and stability. It is a great source of optimism too.

Amethyst has a wonderful calming effect to help you glide through your pregnancy with a soothed mind. This wonderful crystal transforms negative thoughts into positive ones, shifts depression into a state of contentedness. It also eases tension, balances moods,  eases fear and anxiety. Amethyst heals and soothes emotions, helping you enjoy your pregnancy with peace of mind.

These Amethyst crystal properties are also wonderful to have by your side during childbirth for the same calming effects. 

We suggest Amethyst Crystals for Pregnancy to assist with:

  • Calmness
  • Transforms Negative Energy
  • Emotional Healing

View Our Amethyst Crystal Collection  >>



Best Pregnancy Crystals: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for guarding against miscarriage, making it perfect for a high risk pregnancy. It's also equally protective of your unborn child as well. Aquamarine is another wonderful stone for anxiety in that it helps in bringing clear thinking, which in turn helps to calm your mind. 

Physically, Aquamarine crystals help with hormone related headaches, ease sleep and reduce over all fatigue .

We suggest Aquamarine Crystals for Pregnancy to assist with:

  • Mother and Child Protection
  • Clarity
  • Restful Sleep

View Our Aquamarine Crystal Collection >>


Black Onyx

Best Pregnancy Stone: Black Onyx

Black Onyx provides stamina and strength during pregnancy. During childbirth it helps to ensure an easier delivery with its power in focus and strength. In fact, in many cultures, women in labor are given bags of onyx stones to hold during delivery to help ease the process. Black Onyx is a wonderful source of negative energy protection too. 

Post partum, a Black Onyx crystal helps your focus on the important things such as your baby and your own self care.

We suggest Black Onyx Crystals for pregnancy to assist with:

  • Strength and Stamina
  • Negative Energy Protection
  • Ease of the Childbirth Process

View Our Black Onyx Collection >>



Best Crystals for Pregnancy: Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla provides wonderfully soothing energy while throughout your pregnancy. If you tend to become anxious and fearful, Chrysocolla is perfect for you. It helps connect your heart to your mind, bringing soft feminine energy to a worrisome mind. 

Another great benefit is it's ability to help ease communication. Easy and clear communication leads to better bonding in relationships. The combination of enhanced feminine energy and bonding brings a more loving energy to the pregnancy experience. 

Post Partum, this wonderful bonding you've created with the use of Chrysocolla helps insure very loving energy to motherhood. 

We suggest Chrysocolla crystals for pregnancy to assist with:

  • Easing Anxiety
  • Feminine Energy
  • Maternal Bonding

View Our Chrysocolla Collection >>


Garnet For Pregnancy

The main reason we recommend Garnet is for discouraging miscarriages. It is a crystal that helps with physical healing and implantation abilities. It's also a wonderful crystal for energy boosting when it comes to fatigue, sexual libido and confidence, making it perfect to wear after childbirth for a dose of vitalizing energy. 

We suggest Garnet crystals for pregnancy assist with: 

  • Protection from miscarriages
  • Energy boosting
  • Confidence

View Our Garnet Collection >>


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Crystals for Pregnancy

Lapis is a fantastic crystal for easing stress both emotionally and physically throughout your entire pregnancy.  It's a  very supportive crystals and provides strength during labor and childbirth. After pregnancy Lapis adds the bonus skill of  strengthening your intuitive instincts, making it easier to handle any parenting curve balls. 

We suggest Lapis crystals for pregnancy to assist with:

  • Easing emotional and physical stress
  • Strength during labor and delivery
  • Raising intuition

View Our Lapis Collection >>



Pregnancy Crystals Malachite

Malachite as the “midwives stone” as it helps to stimulate contractions, ease labor pains and facilitates a safe childbirth. It's  also a very protective crystal for both mother and child. The Malachite crystals is another great stone for easing mood swings, plus it has energies for boosting immunity. 

A wonderful side benefit of Malachite is the way it supports transitions in life. It brings fresh energy and passion to change, a much needed helping hand as you transition into motherhood. 

We suggest Malachite crystals for pregnancy and childbirth to assist with:

  • Protection for both mother and child
  • Ease in delivery
  • Fresh energy as you transition into motherhood

View Our Malachite Collection >>

Moonstone: Powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting ease in pregnancy and childbirth, balances the hormonal system and eliminates fluid retention. 

Moss Agate: A birthing crystal, Moss Agate assists midwives in their work, lessening pain and ensuring a good birth. 

Orange Calcite:Promotes positive thinking and clears feelings of stress, fear and tension. May be helpful energetically healing the reproductive system. 

Peridot: Said to be helpful during childbirth by stimulating contractions and opening the birth canal. Can also help to dispel postpartum depression. 

Rose Quartz: Protective during pregnancy and with childbirth. Its loving nurturing energy is powerful in times of stress and healing to mother and child. The healing properties of the stone may aid fertility, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. The ultimate gemstone for love. 

Unakite: Recommended for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Many doulas will not deliver a child without the presence of Unakite. 

White Agate: Helps to protect mother and baby from harm, soothes labor pains, eases morning sickness, ensures a healthy milk flow for the baby. 



We hope this information will help you, and if we can custom create a piece for you using any combination of these stones, please contact us!  Or view our full collection of gemstone and crystal jewelry for pregnancy and childbirth >>


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