Thoughtfully Inspired Gemstone Jewelry


$ 36.00
 Take 15% off with code: June15
OR 25% a purchase over $75 with code: June25

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~ Carl Jung

~Kyanite ~ Larimar ~ Atlantisite ~ Red Tigers Eye
All Chakras
Attunement, Mindful Communication, Intuition, Dream Recall, Honesty, Releases Spiritual Blockages, Balances Emotions, Higher Spiritual Consciousness, Clears Chakras, Activation + Free Flow of Kundalini Energy, Calming, Centering, Grounding, Awakens Love + Trust, Focus, Clarity, Deepens Passion, Manifestation

Designed specifically to activate Spiritual Awakening, we've packed this bracelet with a powerful combination of 8mm sized gemstones. Atlantisite is a truly unique gemstone that combines two Kundalini Energy "must haves":  Serpentine and Stichtite. 

Your handmade bracelet will arrive in a soft organic cotton pouch accompanied by a description card with affirmation and stone properties. A gift box option is available at checkout. 

Here's How to Determine Size:

Simply measure your wrist in the area you'd like your bracelet to sit. Skimming the skin. Not loose, not tight. Add 1/2" to 3/4" to that for your bracelet size. The larger the stone size, the larger you'd like the bracelet to lean towards.

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