Thoughtfully Inspired Gemstone Jewelry

IVF + IUI Fertility Bracelet

$ 26.00
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Our IVF + IUI Fertility Bracelet uses colorful array of gemstones that we felt would metaphysically encourage a successful cycle. 

We begin with Rose Quartz which is said to aid in increasing fertility. Rose quartz is helpful and protective during pregnancy and with childbirth. Emotionally, Rose Quartz brings forgiveness, compassion, as well as balancing one's emotions. It helps with healing emotional wounds and traumas. In other words, it helps us to go forward in a positive state of mind. Positive thinking is imperative to a successful cycle!

Moonstone has a reflective and calming energy by balancing emotions due to stress and anxiety. It is said to have the power to grant wishes.  Moonstone is often used for fertility and infertility as it is said to regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle and boost female energy.

Hematite stimulates the absorption of iron, formation of red blood cells and circulation, leading to better fertility and encouraging implantation. 

Azurite is believed to be beneficial for healthy skin and teeth, and to encourage the development of an embryo in the womb.

Aquamarine regulates hormones and growth. It is highly protective during pregnancy and helps to guard both mother and baby from harm.  Discourages miscarriage.

Aventurine is used to encourage pregnancy and enhance fertility. 

Red Carnelian is said to boost fertility, energy, promote sexuality and planned reproduction. Red Carnelian also stimulates and balances the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. It balances reproductive hormones and helps guard against miscarriage. 

Garnet cleanses and purifies. Reduces inflammation, strengthens blood, muscles and the reproductive organs.

Pink Jade is a gemstone that helps turn dreams into reality. 

Dangling from our IVF  and IUI Fertility Braclelet is a Tibetan Silver Pine Cone. A Pine Cone is a symbol of fertility and eternal life. Once a pine cone falls from the tree, multiple seeds sink into the earth where a new tree takes root and grows, much like the implantation process of an embryo into the uterine walls. 

Our IVF and IUI  Stretch Bracelet measures 7 3/8" and arrives to you in a gift pouch, along with a descriptive note card.

Here's How to Determine Size:

Simply measure your wrist in the area you'd like your bracelet to sit. Skimming the skin. Not loose, not tight. Add 1/2" to 3/4" to that for your bracelet size. The larger the stone size, the larger you'd like the bracelet to lean towards.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 67 reviews
So beautiful

This is such a beautiful bracelet I’m so glad I got it

Annabelle C.
Beautiful bracelet

I love the bracelet and hoping it will help us with our 2nd ivf transfer. Reading all the meaning of the stones gives me so much hope and calmness that this time we will have a healthy pregnancy 🙏

For my daughter

I bought it for my daughter who is trying to conceive. The quality is amazing! The stones are beautiful! I am waiting to give it to her, but in the meantime, I made a little alter to the gods of fertility and it is the centerpiece!